Your partner for government-grade forensic science solutions
Whether the crime scene is physical or digital, scientific evidence has never been so critical to lead investigations to rapid conclusion. Criminalistics today cannot be envisioned without ballistic examination or DNA analysis. And digital evidence is harder and harder to uncover, hidden among terabytes of computer, mobile, and cloud data.
We at Tracip help your forensic investigation teams fulfill their missions, by giving you access to state-of-the-art technology packaged in ergonomic solutions.
We leverage a strong partnership with IRCGN, the French Gendarmerie’s Institute of Forensic Science and business relationships with most digital forensics tools providers.
More information ?
Our team can answer your questions and/or send you a quote about our solutions or services.
Mobile Labs
Working with digital investigators and forensic scientists on a daily basis, we design solutions that make their job more efficient and embed their knowledge into off-the-shelf solutions

Digital Forensics : mobil’IT
mobil’IT is a useful laboratory for all the digital professions (digital investigation, data recovery, surveillance, calculation units, metrology…).

DNA identification : mobil’DNA
Mobile laboratory fast, high throughput DNA for human identification at the IRCGN

COVID-19 testing : mobil’RNA-COVID
The mobil’RNA Covid allows the realization of high throughput analysis for the detection of SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) viruses, it is autonomous and transportable by sea or air.
Packaged investigation solutions

Forensic Field kits
TRACIP Forensic Field Kits are the ultimate kits to deal with on-site digital forensic examinations

Hexib’IT workstations
The hexib’it workstation has integrated AMD Ryzen processors, which are up to 65% more powerful than intel core i7 processors. PCI express 4.0 is also integrated and provides double the transfer speed compared to the previous version.

Monol’IT working desks
This workstation allows you to work in an ergonomic environment and has a board, an interconnection system and electrical outlets allowing you to have equipment close at hand.
Do you know which tools to use depending on the situation? We do. We are highly knowledgeable about most digital forensics hardware and software on the market.
We designed Tracip-exclusive training to help you deal with a number of investigation situations.
These trainings are available in English or French.
Our expertise at your service
We perform a range of investigation services, in particular for corporations. From difficult data recovery tasks that require clean-room examination, to evidence preservation upon a cyber attack or assistance with e-discovery, our team of engineers may prove itself essential.
TRACIP is the leading data recovery & digital forensics laboratory in France and IRCGN’s industrial partner for forensic science. We provide digital investigation equipment and training for both government agencies and corporations. Our state customers include law enforcement agencies, cyberdefense and military units, government agencies, regulation authorities…
We started working 25 years ago on data recovery from damaged media, and became computer forensic experts for the Nancy Court of Appeals. We started helping LEAs getting trained and equipped with the very tools we were using and, soon, designing.
Tracip (Deveryware SAS) joined ChapsVision in 2022 to form the digital investigation division within the French group. Tracip benefits from the strength and dynamism of the group, which has become a key player in areas such as internal security. Its solutions have proven effective in threat detection and criminal case resolution and are used by 2,300 analysts from police, gendarmerie, customs, and other operational services both in France and internationally.